
John Paul Wauck - Walker Percy's Science of Fiction: Literary Art and the Cold Hand Theory
2008, pp. 410, Euro 18,50, ISBN 978-88-8333-0213-5

Augustine Scaria Koottiyaniyil - Role of the Media in Malcolm Muggeridge's Pilgrimage to the Catholic Faith
2006, pp. 282, Euro 20,00, ISBN 88-8333-158-3

Szczepaniak, Maciej - Il Giubileo e la Stampa. Analisi dell'informazione apparsa sulla stampa internazionale sul Grande Giubileo dell'anno 2000
2004, pp. 224, Euro 20,00, ISBN 88-8333-141-9

Mitchell, Elizabeth - Artist and Image: Artistic Creativity and Personal Formation in the Thought of Edith Stein
2004, pp. 200, Euro 18,00, ISBN 88-8333-075-7

Gronowski, Dariusz - L'impatto dei Media sulla Chiesa secondo Marshall McLuhan
2003, pp. 276, Euro 25,00, ISBN 88-8333-076-6

Kuriakose Mundadan - Religious Tolerance and the Role of the Press. A Critical Analyssis of the News Coverage on the Christian Minority Issues in India
2002, pp. 372, Euro 25,00, ISBN 88-8333-019-6


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