The Church in the Symbol of Faith (Licenza)

Philip Goyret

Orario: Mar 5ª-6ª

The Creed: origin, evolution, ecclesiality and structure. The Church in the Symbol of Faith: Ecclesia de Trinitate, Christological and Pneumatological aspects, Sacramentality and theological centrality. The Ekklesia in the history of salvation. Properties of the Church: history, nature, number and characteristics. Unity as unicity and cohesion. Theological and ecumenical aspects. Sanctity of God and sanctity of the Church. Nature and tasks of the Holy Church. Purification, reform and renewal. Catholicity in history and in theology. Typology. Catholicity, truth, culture and mission. Apostolicity of the Church, apostolic tradition and apostolic succession. Succession, sacramentality and collegiality.