8th Renewal Course of Marriage Law and Canonical Procedure



Marriage Law and Canonical Procedure

Rome, September 19-23, 2022

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“The implementation of these documents [m.p Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Mitis et Misericors Iesus] is therefore a great responsibility for Ordinaries in dioceses, who are called upon to judge some cases themselves and, in every case, to ensure the faithful an easier access to justice. This involves preparing a sufficient staff, composed of clerical and lay persons, who dedicate themselves a priore to this ecclesial service” (The Final Report of the Synod of Bishops to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, October 24, 2015, n. 82).

“I take this opportunity to exhort every bishop — constituted by Christ the Father, Shepherd and Judge in his own Church — to be increasingly open to the challenge of this issue. It is a matter of tenaciously pursuing and completing a necessary ecclesiological and pastoral path, aimed at not leaving to the sole intervention of civil authorities the faithful who suffer due to judgments not accepted but endured. The creativity of charity will foster evangelical sensitivity in the face of family tragedies in which the protagonists cannot be forgotten. It is more urgent than ever that the Bishop’s collaborators, in particular the judicial vicar, family pastoral workers and especially parish priests, should strive to exercise that diaconate of protection, care and the accompaniment of the abandoned spouse and possibly of the children, who suffer the decisions, albeit just and legitimate, of matrimonial nullity” (Francis, Address to the Officials of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the Inauguration of the Judicial Year, January 29, 2021).

This renewal course, now approaching its eighth iteration, principally seeks to inform ministers and other professionals in the Ecclesiastical fora regarding the principal normative, doctrinal, and jurisprudential developments that have come to light over the course of the first few years of the application of the 2015 motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Mitis et Misericors Iesus. Other matters relevant to the activity of Ecclesiastical Tribunals will also be studied.

The didactic structure of the Course integrates lecture with ample time for discussion and the resolution of practical cases in order to facilitate the critical acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and specific competences. The spirit of cordial exchange that animates the Course serves to favor the sharing of experiences both among participants and with our Presenters.

Theoretical sessions will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation provided into both English and Spanish.

The methodology of the Course is technical-practical, aiming to unite the scientific presentation of both canonical developments and grounds of nullity that often show themselves to be problematic to Ecclesiastical Tribunals, with the identification, examination, and discussion of practical cases that Participants will have the opportunity to study ahead of time.

The use of language-based groups (Italian, English, and Spanish) facilitates  more lively and accessible discussions regarding practical cases. An electronic copy of all documentation concerning the factispecies proposed will be sent to participants  around two months prior to the Course in order to allow ample time for its study and enable Participants to brainstorm further points for discussion.



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