Dipartimento di Lingue

Certifications issued

Certifications: 6 CFU / ECTS

– Students who have attended at least 75% of class hours may obtain a course completion certificate.
– Those who wish to obtain university certifications (6 CFU/ECTS) should pass the final exam with an evaluation fo at least 18/30.
This certification is issued by both the Italian Institute of Classical Studies (IISC) and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (PUSC).

Material didáctico

Es de extrema importancia que todos los estudiantes posean todos los libros desde la primera clase. Quien lo desee podrá adquirir los libros directamente el primer día de clase en la sede del curso.

Learning tools

It is of the utmost importance that students are in possession of the textbook from the very beginning of the course.


Prof. Federico Pirrone

Pontificia Università della Santa Croce; 
Università Pontificia Salesiana;
Istituto Italiano di Studi Classici

Prof. Alessandro Agus

Pontificia Università della Santa Croce; 
Istituto Italiano di Studi Classici


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