Conferences and interventions


Conferences and interventions

Italian Schedule

Thursday - September 21, 2023

14.30   Presentation of the Workshop

14.45   Ramón Saiz-Pardo, José Ángel Lombo - Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, PUSC
            Music of Faith. Glory and Spiritualization

15.25   José Ángel Lombo, Ramón Saiz-Pardo - PUSC
            In Search of an Epistemology of Musical Liturgical Theology


16.15   Jordi-A. Piqué - Preside del Pontificio Istituto Liturgico di Roma, PIL
            Die Schöpfung by J. Haydn: a proposal for theology in musica outside the liturgy?

16.55   Robert Tyrała - Rettore della Pontificia Università Giovanni Paolo II di Cracovia
            Beauty of the Liturgy


17.45   Musical Meditation: Worship and Eucharist

N.B. The Musical Meditation can be followed in English, Italian and Spanish.


Friday - September 22, 2023

14.30   Juan Carlos Asensio - Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, ESMUC
            Notation at the Service of the Latin Text and the Liturgy

15.10   Marco Cimagalli - Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, PIMS, Ramón Saiz-Pardo -PUSC
            William Byrd. Toward a TLM of the Mass of All Saints (Gradualia-I)

15.50   Dialogue, conclusions



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