

Relevance and listening:
communicating the Christian message in the plurality of contemporary voices

Rome, May 2-4, 2023


Monday, May 1

Meeting for former students of the School (*)

17.45  "Trust, Technology and Evaluation of Communication",
            in conversation with Jim Macnamaraen, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

19.00  Dinner 

(*) Venue: "L'Orso 80" restaurant, Via dell'Orso 33, Rome

Tuesday, May 2


8.30 Welcome

9.15 Introduction: Daniel Arasaen, dean of the School.

9.30 "Rebirth from One’s Identity in a Secularized Context" José Mª La Portees, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy)

10.15 "Can Christian culture inspire a weary society?" Benedetto Ippolitoit, Università Roma Tre (Italy)

11.00 Coffee Break

11.45 "Amidst Polarization, Standing with the Vulnerable" Fr Joshan Rodriguesen, communications department Archdiocese of Bombay (India) e Martin Kugleren, Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (Austria). Moderator: Kenneth Hallenius, Notre Dame University (USA).
11.45 “Working beyond a salary: sharing your values with employees and volunteers” Pietro Cumit, Elis (Italy); and Alessandro Cristaldiit e Alessandro Iapinoit, Press Office Bambino Gesù Hospital (Rome). Moderator: Jorge Milán, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy).

12.45 End of session


13:45: Preview of the film Faith of Our Fathers (EWTN)

14.45 Papers & Experiences

16.30 Resolving Crises: Case Studies (Simultaneously)

“Staff Management” Monica Herreroes, Universidad de Navarra (Spain)
“Sexual Abuse” Yago de la Ciervaen, IESE (Spain)
“Institutional Culture” Juan Narbonaes, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy)
“Financial crisis” Giuseppe Lenzoit, Telespazio (Italy)

17.45 Break

18.15 Panel discussion: "Identity and communion, as the basis for communication". P. John Dardisit, SJ (dircom Compagnia di Gesù); Roberto Zuccoliniit (dircom Comunità di Sant'Egidio); Patrizia Morganteit (dircom Unione Internazionale Superiore Generali); Harris Pakkamit (dircom Società Salesiana). Moderator: Marc Carroggio, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy).

19.15 End of day

Wednesday, May 3


9.00 Audience with the Holy Father in St Peter’s Square.

11.30 Encounter with members of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication: "The role of the Dicastery in the synodal listening process". Paolo Ruffiniit, Prefect. Also participating: Lucio Ruiz, Andrea Tornielli, Nataša Govekar, Andrea Monda, Matteo Bruni.

13.00 End of session


15.00 “Contextual intelligence: How do organizations listen?". Conversation between Gema Bellidoes and Sergio Tapiaes, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy).

15.45 “Meeting the challenge of being a listening organization”. Jim Macnamaraen, University of Technology Sydney (Australia).

16.30 Break

17.00 “Listening to victims”, Jaime Cárdenases, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy)
17.00 “Listening to the plurality of contemporary voices. What can be learned from the public sector?". María José Canelen, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).
17.00 “Listening as a part of your personal branding skills”, Sara Del Belloit, Consultant Frog Italy (Italy).

17.45 “Telling one's own version of a crisis. Discussion on credibility”. Piotr Studnickiit, Delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Conference for the protection of minors (Polonia), and Josetxo Veraes,  Communications Director of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference (Spain).

18.30 Panel discussion: “When the Church speaks, what does a journalist hear?”. Loup Besmond de Sennevilleit (La Croix e Presidente del AIGAV); Delia Gallagherit (CNN); Gerard O'Connellit (America Magazine); Stefano Ziantoniit (RAI Vaticano). Moderator: Manuel Fandila Sánchez, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy).

19.15 End of day

19.45 Buffet dinner (Palazzo Ferrajoli: piazza Colonna, 355).

Thursday, May 4


9.00 “The transformation of the journalistic profession's expectations of Church Communications Offices”. Marcela Pizarroes, School of Communication. Universidad Austral (Argentina).

9.45 “Being credible”, Guido Giliit, University of Molise (Italy).
9.45 “What is professional communication management in an organization?”, Luisa Allies, Communication Director (Spain)

10.30 Coffee Break

11.15 "Listening and Relevance: Paying Attention, Understanding, Being Understood". Lorenzo Cantoniit, Rector and Director of the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication, University of Lugano, USI (Switzerland)

12.00 Panel discussion: “Diocesan communication offices: How to make interesting proposals”. Caroline Bletsoen (Diocese of Birmingham); Stefano Femminisit (Milan, Italy); Adrián Rioses (Diocesis de Sevilla); Taras Zheplinskyiit, communication office of the Kiev Greek Catholic Patriarchate (Ukraine). Moderator: Giovanni Tridente, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Italy).

13.00 End of session


13.45 (Out of program) Screening of an episode of The Chosen


14.45 Papers & Experiences

16.30 Best practices workshop. “Communication management of a major event: World Youth Day”. Ana Alvesen, Head of Communications World Youth Day (WYD), Lisbon 2023.
16.30 “Show, Don't Tell: Faith Transmission and Infographics”. Jesus Giles, freelance, author of "Footprints of our Faith" (Spain).
16.30 “Relevance through Social Media”. Giulio Capeceit, Director Digital & Social Media Strategy EWTN Rome Bureau Office (Italy)

17.15 Break

17.45 “Regaining the initiative to become relevant”. Juan Manuel Moraes, Vice Rector for Communciation of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy).

18.30 Closing lecture: “The adventure of producing The Chosen”. Derral Evesen, Co-creator, Executive Producer and CEO of The Chosen. Moderator: Peter Atkinson, Relevant Radio (USA)

19.15 Closing



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